Sunday, January 16, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Starting a new year we always make lists of resolutions and goals for the year and usually by the first week we've all reverted back to our old ways changing nothing, moving forward no quickly than we have in past years.
Like every other person in our area the economy has hit us hard, leaving us to struggle. We always get by but we have very little flex room and even littler savings. This year we have decided that things will be different but not because we made a resolution but because we made a plan of action to get there.
So this year we have decided that we're going to build a very nice stockpile of canned goods and other necessities that will not spoil quickly but will help us stretch our grocery budget even further. We've also budgeted ourselves a very generous $500 a month for our family of six which will include pet food (we use Orijen for our tea cup min pin) and diapers for my eldest son who is Autistic and not potty trained. This is very generous amount but we wanted to make sure that we had a good amount to work with. But what is our goal then you say?
Well this year we are going to take that $500 start budget amount and combine that will coupons and sales and try to spend as little of that each and every month and take the balance and put it towards our savings and debts. I've signed up with to find the best deals possible to match my coupons with in addition to joining the coupon trains, doing trades for coupons and finding freebies!
I've also been using , and a few other coupon sites which I will blog about at a later date to build a nice stack of coupons for trading and my own personal use.
So to finish off this entry I'm going to leave you with how I have already saved $8.99 this year and we have spent very little out of pocket for groceries thus far as we have been using our stock pile anyhow.
Right now on Kelloggs boxes of cereal there are four amazing coupons- $1 off berries, $1 off banana's, $2 off eggos and $1 off Smuckers squeeze jam and sundae topping. If anyone has any of these for trade or they just don't want them I'd love them!
So today I went into No Frills which is having a great dollar sale that lasts two weeks! I went in armed with 5x $1 McCain cake coupons that I printed off of their site (they expired today), 1x FREE Minute Maid juice boxes, and the 1x $1 off berries. I walked out of No Frills with 5 McCains cakes (which freeze great), 1 box of Minute Maid orange juice boxes and a clam shell of blueberries with zero dollars spent out of pocket! Pretty good deal if you ask me!

There is also a great deal right now at Food Basics, Egg Creations are on sale for .99cents and in store you can find a coupon for $1.00 off! That's right you can get the Egg Creations absolutely free! I'll be going to stock up on those later this week as well.

The best way to save money is to shop smart, only buy what you will use or need and match those coupons with sales! I'll be sure to post lots more special offers, freebies and deals through out the year, along with our journey to debt freedom, building savings and a drool worthy stock pile!
There are lots of deals to be had, lots of money saving tips and ideas you just have to look and want to keep money in your pocket instead of the cash registers at stores!

Happy Shopping!

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