We all want to save money, I don't think there is a single person out there who would say no if you offered them a legitimate way to save money but many people just don't know how. I was one of those people not too long ago but now that I am in the know I want to share those tips with all of my friends, family and anyone who will listen! I love telling people how to get a great deal and keep money in their pockets! Here is how I got started on my money saving venture that has already saved me almost $50 and we're less than three weeks into the new year!
I decided this year I'm really going to save, I pounded that into my mind until I couldn't any longer. I decided that I would take whatever time necessary and I would save money and at the end of the year we will be in the positive instead of seeing red like years prior. So I put on my thinking cap and started searching out websites that could help me with my mission.
The first two sites that I came across was save.ca and brandsaver.ca both of these sites have amazing coupons that you can order for free and they will mail them right to your door step! I got myself all signed up and started choosing my coupons. Then I decided I was going to stop there I was going to take it as far as I could until there was no return so I started searching for a forum that could help me match those coupons to great deals and would give me all of the information that I would need on this journey, that's when I found smartcanuks.ca I absolutely love this website and spend far too much time on it these days but it has saved me a ton already! Smart Canuks is a forum full of seasoned couponers and newbies like me willing to share advice, trade coupons, host coupon trains and lay out all of the great deals so you can price match and match your coupons to get your goods for as close to free as possible. I strongly suggest that if your looking for a good deal you start by signing up there!
Then I really started searching out coupons, I knew if I wanted to trade any then I needed more in my collection AND I needed some good ones. So I went to different companies websites and called their 1-800 numbers and told them how much I loved their products. I made sure I only contacted the companies that I really do love, I don't want to ruin it for others out there by abusing the system. Many of the companies were happy to send money saving coupons or direct me on where I can find coupons for my favorite products!
Then I did another search looking for samples or FPC's (free product coupons) the ones that I have found and have headed my way right now are:
Chapmans ice cream will mail out either a $3 or $5 coupon towards any of their products, match that with a sale and you could have a couple cartons of icecream to indulge in!
http://chapmans.ca/ click on their contact us button and tell them how much you love their icecream if you really do and request a coupon! They are happy to send one out to every household but will only do so once per year!
Another great one is Kashi cereal. I emailed them telling them that I would like to try their cereal and they told me to click on their tasty savings button. You can sign up for a $2 coupon towards Kashi Honey Sunshine but many of the ladies who have received this coupon actually received a FPC for a free box! Free breakfast cereal!?! Just tell me where to sign up!
https://www.allkpass.ca/kashi/en/sunshine/register.aspx remember just click on the tasty savings to request your $2 coupon and maybe you too will get the FPC for a free box!
Another great deal going on right now is the money savings coupons found on the back of specially marked Kelloggs cereals. There are coupons for $1 off berries (use that coupon at No Frills and you can get blueberries for free!), $1 off banana's, $2 off eggos and $1 off Smuckers Squeeze jam and sundae topping YUMMY!
And the last great deal that is available right now is the Lean Cuisine free entree found on facebook! Sign into your facebook if you have one and search for Lean Cuisine Canada- make sure you go to the Canada one for this offer. Then click on like and then offers. Once you click on offers you will see a Free Lean Cuisine coupon, just click on get my coupon, print and run to a store that accepts printed coupons! Lunch for free and it's soooo tasty! In my experience you can use internet printed coupons at No Frills, Shoppers Drug Mart and Walmart but each individual store has the right to refuse the coupon. Make sure to print in color for best chance of the store accepting.
http://www.facebook.com/#!/LeanCuisineCanada?v=app_140251982696061 and when your done cooking and enjoying their delicious meal remember to save the pin from the box! Inside each Stouffers product boxes there is a pin printed in pink ink. If you sign up for stouffer rewards at the site below you can get $25 in free groceries at the store of your choice when you enter 12 pins! The $25 actually consists of a $10 gift card to the store that you choose and $15 worth of money saving coupons.
There are so many great deals out there it just takes a little time to find them. I'm hoping that by listing some of the great deals here I can help others keep their money where it belongs in the pockets but still enjoy products that they know and love!
I am now a couponer for life, I will never pay full price for things I know I can get a better deal for again! Will you join me too?
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