There is nothing worse than opening your mail box to find a stack of bills all saying pay me now with hefty dollar signs beside them! What if you could cut that amount down significantly and keep more money in your pocket without having to spend a bundle? We have and boy does it feel good!
Since we have an unpredictable income we use equal billing for our electricity and gas. This ensures that every month we will know what we are paying and makes life a ton easier when it comes to budgeting. This does not really save us any money but it does give us the opportunity to plan for where our money is going each month ahead of time and more often then not have a month free service from what we have over paid. Some will recommend against this because the utility companies are building interest on the money that you are over paying but for anyone who has a small budget or unpredictable income I strongly recommend it.
The biggest savings you can have on your bills is to cut out the extras, do you really need voice mail, call waiting and caller idea? Buying an answering machine at a one time cost of about $10 can save you big bucks at the end of even one year! We were being charged $3 every month just to have voice mail on our phone, that's $36 per year! Out will the frills, on with the savings!
Cell phones, everyone has them and they are expensive! If you need one for work or emergencies when out and about I strongly recommend using pay as you go. If you do not use it a lot every single day pay as you go is the way to save money. Also if you hit a month that you can't afford the extra expense of a cell phone or you know you will not be using it for a few months you are not paying for unused service. It just makes sense! Many cell phone companies offer unlimited text messaging and incoming calls for a minimal cost which could save you quite a bit each and every month.
Electricity, it's something we all need but one of those bills we cringe opening. It's one of our highest bills and one that we used to hold our breath while opening. Not anymore! We have cut our electricity usage in almost half following a few simple tips.
- unplug everything that is not in use, even though it is not turned on it is still drawing electricity
- switch to gas cook stoves, dryers and hot water tanks, the gas usage is far less than electricity
- in the summer avoid turning on your a/c until necessary and even when you do keep it at as minimal use as possible
- update your appliances, you would be surprised just how much energy those old appliances are using
- ensure your freezers are full at all times, this uses less electricity and if you don't have enough food in the freezers to fill it use containers filed with water to fill in the extra space
- shut all lights off when you leave a room, it's amazing how much we pay by just forgetting to flip a switch
- change to energy efficient light bulbs, these babies are a great investment and last much longer than original bulbs
There are just a few that some people just do not think of. There are many common sense electricity saving tips out there. Do a quick search on the internet and you will find a ton. Calling your provider may also help with finding energy savings tips. If you update your appliances some providers offer bonuses for doing so. Some providers are also offering savings for energy usage that is after peak times so this is a good thing to look into to avoid paying the highest rate.
Gas usage can be outrageous especially in the cold winter months and if your like me there is nothing that is going to stop me from staying warm! Here are some tips on how you can still stay toasting with out suffering from the shock of opening that winter bill:
- wear layers in order to keep the furnace turned down just a bit lower
- install window kits to keep drafts from cooling down certain living areas
- install a ceiling fan to circulate the warm air
- turn the temperature on your hot water tanks down, you don't need boiling water coming out of your taps not only is it dangerous but it's costing you a fortune!
- do your laundry all at once, this way the dryer will not completely cool off between loads and you won't have to run it as long
- wash your laundry in cold water
Again you can find loads more great tips all over the internet or if you phone your provider. It never hurts to ask, but you could come out ahead with a lot more money in your pockets!
Water usage is one of our least expensive bills but still one that we like to make sure we keep in check. Any penny saved is a penny more that we have instead of our utility providers:
- wash only full loads of laundry and use cold water
- ensure that all taps are completely turned off and not leaking, you may need to replace seals from time to time
- ensure your toilet is never left running, this can use gallons of water
- never leave the tap running while doing dishes, filling a sink once to rinse will use far less water than allowing it to run the entire time you wash dishes
- only water gardens and grass at dawn or dusk, watering during the day can not only be harmful to your plants but is a big waste of water!
- limit showers to lower water waste
- ensure hoses are always shut off after use
Seems like common sense tips but not everyone does these! It's surprising just how much water gets used every year. You can do your part and save yourself money at the same time!
Hopefully these will give you a good starting point for cutting down your utility bills. These are the three major bills that everyone pays. Things like cable, phone, and other entertainment I consider a luxury. If you feel those things are necessary price around for the best offer and don't be afraid to ask your current provider for a better deal!
Happy savings everyone!
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