This is a question on many people's minds when it comes to making a different. I am just one person, what can I do? One person is all it takes to start a change, to make a difference in someone's life and to start a chain reaction. When one person takes a stand for something they believe in it's incredible to see the reactions from others following suit.
So what have I as one person done to make a different in my frugal and thrifty journey? Well I've just begun but I will share with you what I have done and what I will continue to work towards.
You see my husband and I do not make a ton of money, we follow a strict budget to make ends meet and pay the bills at the end of each month. There are not always tons of extras and before I started this way of life there was very seldom any extras at all. Since we have begun price matching, searching clearance and using coupons we have not only brought our grocery and personal hygiene aspect of our budget down dramatically but we have also been able to provide my parents and my grandmother with items to bring their budgets down as well. This has given both of their families a chance to get caught up on past due bills, have a few extras that they would not normally have and feel a little more positive about the future. This has also given me the opportunity to be able to take the freebies or pretty darn close to it and make donations to the food bank and local humane society. Without following this way of life there is no way I could have made these changes.
Following this path has also really given me the push to give back to others and make a positive change in others lives. It has helped me teach my children about those who are so less fortunate than us but that we can make a difference in their lives by giving back.
After much consideration and planning we have decided to put together a benefit for the SIDS foundation. This has been an active plan for the past three years when a friend of ours lost their son to SIDS. It is something that has weighed very heavy on our hearts and something that we wanted to do to keep both his memory alive and actively work towards putting an end to SIDS. We've decided that this will be the year to do it. Knowing how to get the best deals now and having a great support system when it comes to finding the best deals we are begun to put together the benefit. With much planning and consideration we should be able to put together a successful benefit with nearly nothing out of our own pockets but will be able to make a large donation to the SIDS foundation. This is one of many ways we plan on giving back.
So you may think that you are just one person, and that just one person can not make a difference. But I beg to differ. One person can make all the difference to a child who has to go without meals because there is no food on the table and the food banks shelves are empty, one person can make a considerable donation to a foundation that may be short on funds or may give just the money needed that may make a break through in research. One person can put a smile on someones face and give them hope when they thought there was none. Don't ever think for one second that one person can not make a difference, because one person can make a world of difference.
Make a difference in someones life! It doesn't have to cost you anything, just a simple smile, hold the door, have a bit of extra patience while shopping, make a meal for a family that is going through a difficult time or just tell someone you are there to listen. Those are all things that don't have to cost anything but can make a world of difference in the life of someone else.
You may be just one person, but together we are a whole lot of people willing to step up and make a change.
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